Who We Are

Hi. I’m Sarah Ellison and I’m passionate about teaching the violin.

I come from quite an eclectic background and have had the enormous privilege of working with some of the best teachers on this planet. I am extremely grateful for all the experiences that I have been given from my parents, friends and mentors.

Ellison String Studio’s focus is always on our students - to help them achieve not just their full potential as a musician, but also as a person. Our goal is to enable students to reach their personal best while having lots of fun.

We are not interested in competition or exams, but focus on loving music and being good people. We also love to give back to the community! We bring our students to share their music with children in hospitals, aged care centres and around the broader community.

Through the study of music, we teach children to develop better focus, discipline, memory skills, team work and listening skills while having a great time playing the violin. If we can develop an intrinsic love for learning and love for playing the violin, then we have done our job correctly.

We achieve this through games, a fun and loving learning environment and through genuine connections with our students.